Sand and LIFE in Munich

In August 2016, Sand Life was invited to speak at a workshop on the theme restoration of sandy habitats in LIFE-projects in German Freising outside Munich. Sand Life highlighted the lessons we have learned in the Project so far, both in terms of restoration actions and the importance of communication. The workshop was part of a larger conference SER2016 of “Best Practice of Restoration” with 330 participants from 41 countries.

Other projects the were presented was grassland restoration in the German Sandrasen by Holger Rossling, restoration of coastal dunes in the German part of the project “Life Balt Coast” by Hauke Drews, restoration of xeric calcareous sandy grasslands in the Belgian project “Life Herbages” by Youri Martin and Klaus Kretschmer showed results from the project “Life oak forests”. The presentations are in English and can be downloaded from the website of Sandrasen.
